Thanks for the mention, enjoy a well-earned break!

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#8's wording seems a tad strained. Sure, many more "middle market" (squishy term bantered about a lot lately) companies are testing the depth of the debt waters with private lenders, but, calling them "PE-Backed" implies more power than a loan or providing management services actually gives the PE-lender over "'large'" (more squish-games) "Public" firms. Nor is it surprising there are scads of "PE-owned" firms considering how small they often are. Market-cap comparison anyone? This smells like a bit of hype slung off from the recent "Davos of the West Coast" 'Milkum' spin machine. We've seen this before ...

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I like that Milken graph of PE firms vs. Public Firms. 👍🏿 Interesting info.

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